Friday, April 13, 2007


In class today we listened to Dan Baxter, the founder of DealCatcher. DealCatcher is an online community that helps shoppers save money and make educated purchases. On the site you can find online coupons, products, sales, reviews, and rebates.

I found the presentation to be extremely interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to how the site was founded and how it was able to take off. I thought the presentation related to class quite well by touching on class topics such as price discrimination and word of mouth marketing. I especially enjoyed the customer complaint call, I found that particularly amusing. The free t-shirt was also a nice gift.


Veronika said...

Hey Patrick,
I don't know if you checked out the deal catcher site but it is pretty cool and I think the best feature of it is that you can pick different categories to help you look for deals, such as apperal or DVDs for example. I bet you could find a really good deal on Scrubs : )

Patrick O'Neill said...

Hey Veronika,

I did not actually know that, thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to check that out!

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